Tuesday, December 16, 2014

My Christmas Tree and Surgery~

Happy first night of Hannukah! (To those who celebrate it~ I know that here where I live, about half the people do x3)
Sorry I'm writing infrequently D: I started my part-time job last week and though it's really fun, I'm really busy between it and doing homework >_>
Anyways, on to less dull stuff, I thought I'd show you my Christmas tree!

My family and I got it this past weekend, so I decorated it with my younger sister~ I love most of the ornaments we have x3 Hehe~ We have lots of ones we got about 10 years back in Ukraine, and in addition to that there are a couple that are really old (from about the 70s).
Anyways, pictures are better than words, so here are some c:
Full tree! (Minus a bit of the topper)
The clock ornament is one of my favorites- and the bunny one is super old x3
Another favorite ornament of mine~ The tail is super soft c:
Felt house! (and another old bunny ornament- this one kinda crazy looking hehe~)
We have either two or three of these in different colors- I like them a lot :3
Fluffy sheep!
(Fitting, since I'm reading Murakami's A Wild Sheep Chase)
Winnie the Pooh~
This reindeer is really pretty but super heavy.
Kinda demented clown, but it's ok hehe x3
And to 'top' it all off (hehe pun~), the tree topper!
So while I have more ornaments, these are some of my favorites and I thought I'd show you guys c:
On a different note, I have surgery tomorrow D: It's nothing major, but I'm still a bit nervous cause I've never had it before. But, at least it's early in the morning, so I get to spend the rest of the day at home~
Update: Surgery went well~ It was really quick and I'm more or less fine now c:
And with that, ta-ta!~
Thanks for reading c:
Which ornament was your favorite?


  1. Wishing you speedy recovery~ I've done that before and you'll need lots of rest & support. Happy holiday <3

  2. Oh dear, I hope everything goes well the surgery, I am also'll have surgery and I'm a little worried but I give my full support.


  3. My first surgery was quiet a scary experience at first, but It's honestly not that bad! I hope you're okay & your tree is beautiful~

    minae | minaekei.blogspot.co.uk

    1. It was indeed a bit scary, but not too bad ^.^ Thanks!

  4. Your tree ornaments look so pretty. I love the bird one! Hope you are recovering from your surgery well :)

    Ellie | wunderstar

    1. Thanks! I like the bird one as well ^.^ And yep, I am c:

  5. Cute blog >.<
    I'm a new follower :)

  6. Oh this christmas decorations are so cute (>w<)
    Merry christmas dear!!!
    And good luck for your surgery!


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