Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Banggood Giveaway~!

Hey cuties!
Today I have something special for you guys: a giveaway!
This giveaway is kindly sponsored by Banggood, an online shop with lots of cheap discounted items.

Banggood carries a wide variety of items, from cute clothes, to shoes, to gardening supplies, even electronic supplies! To me they seem like an Amazon, but just much cheaper. Most of their items ship from China, but several things do come from a warehouse in the US.
Anyways, on to the giveaway!
Entering is very simple- all you do is comment the link of one item that you would like to win.
The duration of the giveaway is fourteen days, and the more people enter, the more people will win!
Good luck! ^.^
So that this won't be a very boring post, here are some of the items that I think are really cute on Banggood (so that this wouldn't be a short post with no photos).

Strawberry Sweater!
I realize I probably won't need this at all while in Florida... but it's just so darn cute! And fuzzy! Who doesn't need a fuzzy sweater?
Cute Blouse
This blouse looks really adorable~ I'd probably wear it with lolita.
Turquoise Skirt with Braces
Ahhhh I've seen this skirt everywhere and it's so cute! <3 It also comes in an orange/peach color, but I like the turquoise one a bit more.
Egg Bag
I don't know what's with the trend of putting eggs on everything... but I love it. I really need more cute bags, I mean I have a biscuit on, but I need more!
AP Replica Pony Bag
I see this bag everywhere... and I need it.
So anyways, I hope you guys enjoy the giveaway! Good luck!
Don't forget to comment below an item from the website that you would like (note: it doesn't have to be one of the items that I listed- those were just sort of a personal wishlist hehe), and don't forget to say that you entered in the rafflecopter widget!
And thank you once again to Banggood for sponsoring this giveaway~


  1. Omg, that AP Replica Pony Bag is ADORABLE. O___O; I want one, ahaha. Thank you for the giveaway, Sakura and Banggood! C:

    1. Ahhhh it's the cutest bag, isn't it? <3 I may have to get one for myself... hehehe :3

  2. Entered! Thanks for the giveaway! ♥

    Nique || www.2nbeauty.blogspot.com

  3. Hi!
    Is this open to international followers?
    Thank you!

  4. How did you get them to sponsor you? I contacted them but never got a reply ;~;
    Still your blog is totally cute! ๐Ÿ˜

    1. Hello! So, they actually contacted me first- I figure it might just take them a little while to reply. You can always try emailing them again, or wait until you have more followers :) Good luck with it! <3

  5. Thank you for your kind giveaway! I would like
    Just followed your cute blog c:
    Cindy C http://cccream-is-cindy.blogspot.com/

    1. Cute cardigan! Good luck! ^.^ And thank you! <3

  6. The items are too cute! ;3
    thank you for hosting this giveaway <3
    I actually have the pony bag!! ^^
    http://www.banggood.com/White-Sailor-Collar-Long-Sleeve-With-Bow-Falbala-Shirt-p-921437.html?utm_medium=fashionblogs&utm_campaign=redsakura&utm_content=MC&p=YE27222003398201507W is too cute! ;3

    1. The pony bag is super cute >u<
      In fact, everything is really cute hehe~ Thanks for joining!

  7. http://www.banggood.com/Fluffy-Strawberry-Patterns-Sweet-Loosen-Long-Sleeve-Sweater-p-915490.html?utm_medium=fashionblogs&utm_campaign=redsakura&utm_content=MC&p=YE27222003398201507W
    I need this omg ;^; so cute!! Entered ^-^


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