Sunday, January 24, 2016

Ellen Panda PM 14 Violet Lens Review {Klenspop Sponsored}~

Hi guys!
I feel like it's been a little while since my last review, hasn't it? Maybe it's just my imagination haha.
In any case, today's lens review is sponsored (as always) by the wonderful online store Klenspop! They carry lots of lenses which are perfect for everyday wear~ Anyways, let's start!

The lenses I'll be reviewing today are the Ellen Panda PM 14 lenses in Violet!
Here is the stock photo of the lenses, and as always, a bit of basic information about them.
Price: $18 USD
Diameter: 14mm
Graphic Diameter: 137mm
Base Curve: 8.6mm
Shelf Life: 6 months
Water Content: 38%
Once again, Klenspop has changed up their packaging! I quite like this new pop-ish style~

The design of the lenses looks quite similar to a few lenses that I've reviewed before. Although it look a bit unnatural when just floating about, it's surprisingly natural and nonoffensive on the eye. Here's how they looked in different lighting!

Dim Lighting

 Window Lighting

These are a very delicate purple, which is barely noticeable in dim lighting, and it appears just the smallest amount in natural lighting. I love how naturally enlarging they are however, and in addition to that, the starkenss and cartoon look of the lenses is a bit softer when on the actual eye. Here are some selfies I've taken with these lenses on, because they're fabulous

And sorry about the excessive amount of photos... but hey, it's fun!

On the whole I'm quite happy with these lenses! They're comfy, and they're not so huge that I need to wear a ton of makeup when wearing them so that I don't look like some kind of weird alien.
Thank you once again to Klenspop for sending me these for review!
And than you all for reading~
Bye bye!


  1. Beautiful eyes and hair <3
    Have a lovely week!

  2. These suit you so well and actually look really natural. Thought the purple would be very bright and overwhelming to the eye, but it isn't. Thank you for sharing ^^

    1. I'm surprised by how natural they look too! It's definitely nice ^_^ Thank you for reading!

  3. Purple lenses look fun! I love klenspop because theyre always so kind. I think these lenses look so natural for real, they remind me of the geo angel lenses :D I think they look very cute on you and the color suits you! (Purple lenses look weird on me :/)Thanks for this review hehe ~

    Mindy ♡

    1. It's definitely a fun colour ^_^ Klenspop is great! I always have such good interactions with them~ Thank you for reading! <3

  4. Hi hello... ^O^ Oh I love the color and the design as well. (^ᆺ^)
    Anyway, did you wear an extension ? Hair looking great. ♡

    1. I love the lenses too ^_^
      It's actually a wig hehe~ I wish my hair were that long and fabulous ;u;


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