Monday, December 31, 2018

♡ Paris Day 0 + 1 | Travel and Arrival ♡

Hello hello!
It's been quite a while since my last post, but I've returned to write about my recent Paris trip! 
If you're a follower of my Instagram (@milkiiprincess), you'll know that I was in Paris for two weeks- I had such a wonderful time! Although I shared bits of what I did on my story, I wanted to have a more thorough chronicle of what I did, so I decided to write about it on here, like I did with my London trip (of which I still have one more post to write... oops).
I left for Paris on December 10th, and returned home on the 24th, so I have a fair bit to write about!
Today's post will be fairly short though (since traveling is fairly self-explanatory, and on my first day I didn't do very much), but anyways, let's begin! 

The Flight
I've never traveled very far alone, especially not to an unfamiliar location so I was quite anxious in the days before my trip... My flight was in the afternoon on Monday, December 10th, so luckily I didn't have to wake up too early for it~ After having breakfast, my mum drove me to the airport, and I arrived there several hours before my flight. This was a good thing though, since there was an issue with the plane and I ended up having to change flights to one that was a bit later in the day... also the line for security was massive, so it was nice to know that I had a lot of time to figure it all out; otherwise I would have been quite panicked >< 
After getting through all that, I still had a fair amount of time before my flight, but aside from getting a coffee, I didn't do much interesting ^^ My flight wasn't direct to Paris, and I had to transfer planes in Miami (it felt a bit silly to have a forty minute flight..!) My layover wasn't too long though, and soon after landing, I was on the actual plane to Paris!
The flight itself was quite ordinary; I watched "Midnight in Paris" (it seemed a fitting film for my destination!) as well as some small documentary about holiday sweets throughout Europe. They gave us a meal about an hour or so after takeoff (pasta with two sorts of sauces, it was quite mediocre), as well as a meal about an hour before landing (yoghurt and a blueberry muffin top, which was quite nice with coffee!).

I landed in Paris early in the morning on December 11th, and got through customs and picked up my luggage miraculously quickly. Luggage in hand, I figured out how to get to the metro, and then followed the directions to get to the place I was staying! 
(On the way I passed by a McDonalds, and I thought it was funny that they had macarons and canneles!)

My dad's roommate from university (and his wife) both live in Paris, and they were kind enough to host me on my trip! Once I arrived at their apartment, I ate some tasty curried butternut squash soup (which was very much appreciated after the bland plane food), got settled in, took a short nap, and was then ready to explore!

I didn't want to go too far on the first day, because I was quite tired by the flight (and it was around 1 in the afternoon by the time I went out). The apartment was located very close to the Eiffel Tower... so I decided to wander around there!

It was so cool to see it in person! The buildings in Paris aren't too tall, so it really stands out on its own, even from far away ^^
I wandered down this little island-strip on the Seine to get there- it was quite pretty!

Also passed by this pretty statue! There were two couples near it taking wedding photos, which I thought was interesting. It's a shame it was a bit of a gloomy day, but I hope their photos turned out well nonetheless!

Once I got near the Eiffel Tower, I was surprised by how much security there was! Although I suppose the fact that it's such a touristy location, combined with general terrorism threats and the recent protests, that was to be expected...
I didn't have any desire to go to the top of the tower, but it was interesting to walk around!
(I thought the view from underneath was quite cool!)

After walking around the tower for a bit, there wasn't much left to do, so I decided to further explore the area! Once I got away from the very touristy spot, it was much more pleasant, to tell the truth ^^" Perhaps it's because I was tired from the flight, or because of the people, but I wasn't too charmed by the Eiffel Tower... also there were lots of people pandering towards tourists (the infamous pickpockets that ask you to sign their petitions before trying to take something of yours, or even just regular street vendors trying to sell cheap Eiffel tower keychains... it just all felt a bit predatory?)

I didn't really do anything specific after this, just walked along the streets, looking at all the little shops~ There were so many fromageries, with so many interesting types of cheeses!

I thought the blackish one looked a bit like a rock, it was so interesting! I've never seen cheese like that...

I stopped inside a mall to warm up a bit, and thought their little photo-set was cute! Then again, I love anything with mushrooms~
 I wandered around a little while longer, stopped into a pastry shop for a croissant (which sadly was very mediocre- but it's okay, as I had a much better one later in the trip!), and once it became dark, headed back to the apartment~

And that's pretty much all there is to say about the day! I had dinner and went to bed quite early, since I had slept very little on the plane and was rather tired ^^" I had to build up my energy for the next day: my first proper day in Paris!
That will be a post for next time though, so stay tuned!
Thank you so much for reading- this wasn't the most eventful of posts, but I wanted to write about these two 'introductory' days so that I could begin at a logical point in my trip~
And because my next post will likely be in January- I hope you have a very happy New Year celebration!


  1. Your blog is so lovely and I’m so excited to hear more about your trip!!

    1. Thank you so much! I hope you will like reading about the rest of it ♥


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